Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

  • Article shall contain the full title, names of authors, institution concerned.
  • If the authors belong to different institutions, furnish details for authors and corresponding author email id.
  • At bottom insert the full postal address (including designation, phone, email), of corresponding author.
  • Article(s) must submitted in electronic format MS word (version : 2007/2010).
  • Article(s) must in A4, Times New Roman, Font size: 12, Line spacing of 1.5 and margin 1 inch for sides.
  • General article should depict abstract of 200-250 words within minimum six keywords. It should followed by Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion and Conclusion. These text should within 2000 words, including References.

Payment Details

Article Processing Fee – Rs. 750/- per paper per author

Payment can be made through the following account.
Name of the Account: Thiagarajar College of Preceptors- Self Finance
Bank : Indian Overseas Bank
A/c No: 161401000006886
IFSC: IOBA0001614
Branch: Teppakulam, Madurai

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